Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Making Scents

Ok, smelling like real good after work would be great! And getting comments about how you smell would be greater. Hannah Follis, 24, who research and development chemist at Illume, a candle manufacture located in Bloomington, Minn. There she makes different kinds of candle that are scented.

As a student in high school she always looked forward on going to Biology class. She enjoyed learning about the science of living organisms. Interested in this brought her to a University, which she majored in biology and minored in chemistry. After college Follis wanted to gain professional experiences in a laboratory. She had found a career from an ad on CareerBuilder.com, which were scented candles. She stared form there, processing in making scents for candles. She master perfumes extract essential oils from fruits, flowers, bark, or leaves, and mix them with other chemicals to make fragrance. She enjoys doing this Making different kinds of scents for candles, developing them, getting all the ingredients and making a candle, that smells so good.

Everywhere a Sign

Sign language can be all over meaning worldwide, where ever you go it’s all out there. You may understand it or not, depends if you want to learn it. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand the person that is deaf or in another situation. Sign language in involves your communication through your body movements, especially your hands and arms rather than through your speech.

“There are twenty-eight million Americans that are deaf or hear impaired” according to the National Association of the Deaf and there are ways of helping them understand the world, which is very difficult for them. Many children are born with it and there can be accidents that can cause this. But learning it is easy that there is a college course that you can take, that professional sign language interpreter it to you. Many professional interpreters help doctors and nurses which can come in a great help for them, so they can understand their patients, who are deaf. But going through the process of sign language can really fry your brain, which a conversation can take awhile. But there is technology that can help you whom the Video relay services (VRS) are growing. It involves helping them by videos and speech to speech phones.

Picture Power

Ok, on every collage there are memories that you carry with you. When you look at it, you remember the day and what happen on that day. If it was with your friends or family. And just laugh at yourself because you did something that not any of your friends would do? Also with family seeing your sister or your brother, in like FOREVER. Will it seems that way.
Will in my collage I would put my family down on it. Because having that time spent with them is a life time. That knowing in the future they wouldn't be there to hold your hands, or be by your side. Another thing is putting your dreams on there letting you know that places or people that you want to meet in your life time. And having your most important thing on there that you inspired.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Lights, Camera, Internet Hookup

Can you make short videos on the internet? Yes! You have access to the internet for that and posting them on sites such as YouTube it is successful for many video viewers, to make episodes of their own Videos and posting them up.

The internet can grant you opportunities for producers, writers, editors, and to produce series and videos for online viewing. Many people have done this by making videos and viewing them but it would only be 90 seconds long. Because of this the Stage 9 Digital Media, believes that original entertainment content for the Web and handheld media will tend to be short in form. But when people who are interested in their episodes, it will run for as long as 20 minutes. When viewers view their videos, they have sponsors; means that people are putting money behind the shows, which adds to their legitimacy and also pays the people who make them. But the future is to produce shows that are like television shows and big films, which can make money. There are also looking for ideas from the people who post them on the internet, you can be a writer, a performer, a musician, or technician.

Risky Business

Working during the summer is better that sitting around, you can meet new people learn a lot of things from it. But there is always danger involved with working, even if the jobs that don’t seem like they can cause injuries. In fact, “there is about 70 teens die each year of work related injuries and ten thousands that visit the emergency room”, says Robert Nester, a registered nurse and health scientist. There are a lot of dangers in work that would let you run to the hospital, for example working at a restaurant, encounters slip and fall injuries and also burns that can send you to the hospital. An outdoor job can be fatal too, exposed to the sun everyday. You should think twice, because there are also some injuries involved like communicable diseases, sunburn, heat exhaustion and dehydration. Just make sure you drink plenty of water before heading out into the sun. Heavy Machinery job can cause a lot of injuries, even exposed to the sun and also working with tools that can leave a scar. Yes, it is great for moneymakers but be careful for what you accepted, because there is a lot of involvement with dust, handling sharp objects, and protecting your eyes.

Proceed With Caution

Making the mistakes before entering the Real World is harder than you expected, these mistakes can mislead you in your future. There are some missteps in career planning, which can keep you on track in your career development.

1.Saying “I can’t”

When you say “I can’t” you set a negative feedback to yourself, saying that you can’t do anything. But as long as you set your mind to it, and willing to put hard work into it, you are successful in that term. Imagine that you are on a track team, and your coach puts you on an event that you have never done and you say “I never did that, and I can’t do it”. Your mind will trigger thinking that you can never do that. But practice starts he tells you to do all this stuff, telling you the strengths and weaknesses to the event, and threw that you learn the process, on setting your mind on it. And when the Meet comes up you took entered of taking 2nd.

2.Getting dollar signs in your eyes.

In a career one of the factors is the salary, but mostly people don’t go for that. In fact a New York organization of business executives, found that only 14 percent of people earning more than $50,000 a year are “very satisfied” with their jobs. Most people go for the salary but some can be very stressful to work at. Some just find out what they really like most and are proud that they work there.

3. Doing what your parents expect-or what you think they expect.

Some parents can be pushy about their own child. About their future and what they want out of them meaning their career in life, asking you questions about college, and your career. But not every daughter or son goes with their parents plan; they go in the opposite direction. Also some parents realize that their plan don’t really work, because the career they pick for their daughter or son aren’t really into it. But just know that your parents would be with you every step of the way, for your success.

4. Assuming a job won’t be useful in building experience.

Getting a job during the summer can really help, even if it’s not your career plan or your not interested it that career. It would help you by learning how to be responsible, for example going to work on time and being supervised by your boss also meeting deadlines.

5. Going it alone.

Some people can offer you some guidance or help in your career. They can also inspire you to go on into the world to discover what is out there that there is not only one place to go. Many people can encourage you to pursue your dream, to open your heart of many things that the world can give you. You just have to look in the right place, also meeting the right people in your life.


The Harrold Independent School District in Texas there are teachers that carry fire arms to school. What I think about this is pretty ridiculous, but at the same time it would be safe because it says that the school is 30 miles away from the nearest police station. My opinion on this is why bring fire arms to school. Which will only make the students more uncomfortable in school. Yes, there has been shooting at other schools across the United States, but putting armed teachers in school? Would be pretty dangerous because the guns at school increase the risk of lives in the school, which one day the gun might be taken away and be misused by others.

At the Harrold Independent School about the fire arms being in school. What he said was teacher who carries a gun in school. The teachers has licenses to carry the weapons and also family.” At this school there are not enough of safety measures there. The district can not afford“The best way I can say this, is that I have the Superintendent at the school is pretty positive two of my kids here. My Wife teaches math here. I trust these people with the lives of my each they received training crisis management and hostage situation security and had install camera systems also class phones. The school board first has to approves.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wall Street Blues

What’s the idea of borrowing, to obtain or receive something on loan with the promise or understanding of returning it or its equivalent. In the United States there are large amounts of borrowing in the entire economy. Each month a bill has to be paid, but mostly of those bills are unpaid. Banks rely on those payments so they can keep lending to other people. But when payments are stopped, there would trigger a financial crisis.

On September 15, one of the nation’s biggest investments bank (Lehman Brothers) announced that their closing downing, because they had lost so much money from bad loans. Within days, there had been two other major banks announced that they were taken over by rival banks. So to save the economy form a collapse the U.S. Treasury proposed a $700 billion bailout to rescue the nation’s troubled banks. President George W. Bush had told the nation on September 24 that “We’re in the midst of a serious financial crisis, which our entire economy is in danger.”

How this happened in our economy was by the people that wanted to buy homes that they couldn’t afford, and banks found a way to let them do it. Banks created home loans called subprime mortgages, is a loan given with less than ideal credit. After this home owners no longer could afford paying the rising mortgage. Which banks began losing money quickly? Closing down the mortgages and also took away the houses. The houses that were taken away they tried to sell them, but were worth less. Making banks lose more money.